dimanche 18 octobre 2009

Faux prophètes ? : Billy Albert Eduard Meier (BEAM)


J'ai souvent dit qu'il y a de plus en plus de "faiseurs de nouveautés", ou de "faux prophètes", des personnes ayant eut des révélations pour l'humanité. Il y en a des récentes (les Esséniens..) et de plus anciennes, on peut aussi penser aux sectes connues, entre autres les raeliens. Pour rappel, Rael a fait une rencontre avec des ExtraTerrestres (ET) qui lui ont transmit des savoirs, des révélations, une doctrine etc. (avec des résultats connus, comme la pédophilie)! Et il n'est pas le seul ! Peut-être vais-je simplement faire un catalogues des innombrables révélations qui nous sont proposés?

En Suisse, nous en avons aussi un, M. Billy Albert Eduard Meier. Format connu:
- des rencontres (aussi avec des ET)
- des révélations et des prophéties
- une doctrine et un mouvement qui en résulte.

BEAM se présente comme le succèsseurs d'une longue ligne de prophètes, en commenceant par Enoch et précédé par Mohammed !
Par la puissance de sa capacité conscience-connexe, ses qualifications extraordinaires et sa connaissance détaillée, BEAM a récupéré les 14 premiers chapitres d'une banque de données (connaissance) terrestre, où elles ont été stockées pendant des milléniums sous forme de langue asymbolic d'image. En est retiré l'enseignement original de Nokodemion, vieille de milliards d'années, qui a été enseigné sur cette terre de planète et disséminé par ses six prophètes suivants Henoch ..
Si certains le demande, je traduirais ce qui suit,mais voici une cotation/présentation :

In this book, the ‹Goblet of Truth›, the true prophet of the new time, ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier, known as BEAM, is once again providing the human beings of Earth as well as extraterrestrial races and peoples with a very significantwork of truly universal uniqueness. Originally, he had intended to undertake this eminent and highly expressive transcription in the year 2017. However, for important health reasons, he was induced to set down this extremely valuable written legacy, indeed one that is steeped in history, at an earlier stage. The first lines originated on Sunday 19 August 2007. After only 5 months and 17 days of intensive work, he completed the task on Tuesday 5 February 2008. In the course of these 171 days, concealed from our hectic and restless planet and in the seclusion of the
Semjase Silver Star Center at Hinterschmidrüti, and during many nights, a epochal manuscript comprising 260 A4 pages was created. This work, being only a provisional conclusion of Billy's untiring work, is in its bound form structured as a long series of highly instructive pearls of evolutive lustre which have been penned by his hand to date, and which form the psyche and the consciousness. The very short time taken to complete the book even surprised his extraterrestrial friends, since they had themselves expected the completion to require several years. The tome comprises a total of 28 chapters. Similarly to the OM book (1988), the structure is based on chapters as well as numbered verses, and employs a similar linguistic mode of expression.
By the power of his consciousness-related ability, his extraordinary skills and his in-depth knowledge, BEAM called up the first 14 chapters from terrestrial storage banks, where they have been stored for millennia in the form of asymbolic picture language. What this amounts to is the original teaching of Nokodemion, billions of years old, that has been taught on this planet Earth and disseminated by his six subsequent proclaimers from Henoch to
Mohammed in various genuine explanations and in accordance with the understanding of their particular epoch. Byn ame, the following listed prophets have been involved: (1) Henoch (Enoch) (3 February 9308 BCE to 1 January 8942 BCE), (2) Elia (Elijah) (5 February 891 BCE to 4 June 780 BCE), (3) Jesaja (Isaiah) (7 February 772 BCE to 5 May 690 BCE), (4) Jeremia (Jeremiah) (9 February 662 BCE to 3 September 580 BCE), (5) Jmmanuel (Immanuel) (3 February 02 BCE to 9 May 111 CE) as well as (6) Mohammed (19 February 571 CE to 8 June 632 CE). The six named proclaimers of the spiritual teaching stood in direction progression and prophetic line with one another, and therefore represent a continuous rebirth of the spirit-form. The important task rested on every single one of them to announce the original teaching of Nokodemion to the Earthly humankind of their particular time and life epoch, delivering it to posterity according to their best ability and capability. Like the prophet of the new time, they were also supported and accompanied in their Mission and task by advisers and teachers of extraterrestrial
origin. Due to the continuously changing perceptive faculty of people as well as an increasingly highly developed consciousness over the course of the millennia, more highly developed rational and cognitive thinking as well as growing cognitive capabilities, the teaching of creational laws and recommendations had to be adapted by the prophets again and again to the new evolutive conditions and taught accordingly. Over the course of the approximately 11,000 years of their Mission and their appearance, the spoken and written traditions repeatedly fell prey to oblivion and material degradation in accordance with the naturally given laws of growth and decay. Until the present time, the prophets of the past millennia had not been given any technical means of recording the teaching of spirit for posterity or making it accessible. Only in the cosmic storage banks have their teaching and explanations been retained and stored for all time down to the present day.

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